Friday, August 30, 2013

Pinhole photography pic 3/3

This is the last picture I took using pinhole photography. This picture is of my iPhone. After taking all these pictures using pinhole photography, I really really appreciate the lens. I hated having to take around 50 pictures and scrolling through all of them to find one that looks just moderately recognizable.

Pinhole photography pic 2/3

This is a picture I took using pinhole photography. This is a picture of a two liter of coca cola. It's one of the few pictures I took using pinhole photography that is actually somewhat recognizable.

Pinhole photography pic 1/3

This is a picture I took using Pinhole photography. This is a picture of my beautiful girlfriend taking a picture of me with her SLR while I was taking a picture of her on my SLR. For those of you who do not know what pinhole photography is, it's when you take the lens off of your camera, put tin foil where the lens used to be and poke a small hole in the middle of the tin foil. It makes it impossible to manually focus on the subject of the picture. You just have to keep taking picture after picture until you get the clearest picture I possibly can. Pinhole photography is not used in professional photography, the only reason for pinhole photography in modern times is to make the photographer really understand the use of the lens and appreciate it.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The first of many pictures.

Sorry this is so blurry, it was taken on an Android. The rest of my photos will be taken on an SLR. In this photo I used forced perception to make my life group look like tiny people standing on top of a table.